Spring Marches On
We have had a few sunny days which make everything in nature burst into life. We have had the odd rainy day which, of course, helps. The daffodils are now past their best but there is so much out there to look
We have had a few sunny days which make everything in nature burst into life. We have had the odd rainy day which, of course, helps. The daffodils are now past their best but there is so much out there to look
Spring has been creeping up upon us for a few weeks now. First the snowdrops put up green shoots and then their snow white flowers bowed their heads to us. The catkins of the hazels waggled and their tiny red flowers emerged.
Walking with Dillie on Onny Meadows in Craven Arms today, I heard my first Chiff Chaff, chiff chaffing away. It was definitely on it own, no one was chiff chaffing back. I saw two Long Tailed Tits, without any hangers on, paired
I have been distracted by the butterflies at Folly View in the garden. As we come to the end of Summer and morph into Autumn I enjoy watching the butterfly fluttering by. I have been cleaning Folly View ready for the next