National Trust Properties to Visit From Folly View

There are several National Trust Properties within easy driving distance of Folly View. Some of these National Trust properties are reached by drives through the beautiful South Shropshire countryside. To the south, in Herefordshire is Berrington Hall with a lovely walled garden, we have a picture in the front bedroom of Folly View looking through […]

Tuffins Supermarket Goes Green

Tuffins, the local supermarket in Craven Arms, is going Green. They are putting in electric car charging points and they have fitted lots and lots of solar panels on their roof. What a positive way to invest profits.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo

I was awake before 5am listening to the dawn chorus. I still can’t quite believe I heard it. It is the first time since I lived in Suffolk, sixteen years ago, that I have heard one. A Cuckoo, it only cuckooed twice. It’s call is so distinctive it can’t be mistaken for anything else. But […]

Linley Beechs

Linley Beechs are an avenue of beech trees on Linley Hill, north of Bishops Castle. The Linley Beechs avenue is about a mile long and forms part of the Shropshire Way. At nearly three hundred years old these beech trees are coming to the end of their life cycle. Some have already succumbed and have […]

Three Tuns Brewery

The Three Tuns Brewery in Bishop’s Castle is the oldest licensed brewery in England. It was established on its current site in 1642, when it is believed to have been called The New Club. The name was changed to The Three Tuns sometime in the late 1700s. The Three Tuns refers to the mash tun, […]

Shrewsbury Flaxmill Maltings

Shrewsbury FlaxMill Maltings, also known Ditherington Flax Mill, was built in 1797 for £17.000 and designed by Charles Bage. There was also a Flax Mill in Castlefields Shrewsbury also designed Charles Bage. It was the World’s first iron framed building. It is often referred to as the Grandparent of sky scrapers. The iron frame is […]

Wonderwool was Wonderful

Wonderwool was Wonderful, there was a lovely atmosphere. People were happy to be there enjoying everything woolly. We found a catering stall that sold vegan cake for Liz and herbal tea for me as I forgot my herbal tea bags. I did remember my recyclable cup. I also forgot to take a ball of wool […]

Wonderwool Drive

The drive to Wonderwool takes about an hour. So having a wonderful day we had a lovely drive to Builth Wells and back home. It was a sunny day although started out cool. The South Shropshire Hills were stunning as were the hills as we sneaked across the border into Wales. On some of the […]

Secret Gardens of Ludlow 2022

Secret Gardens of Ludlow is on the 19th June 2022, starting at noon and finishing at 6pm. There will be eleven gardens open to the public, some have been on the itinerary before. This year there are three new gardens to explore. All the gardens are within walking distance of the Buttercross. There will be […]

Spring Marches On

We have had a few sunny days which make everything in nature burst into life. We have had the odd rainy day which, of course, helps. The daffodils are now past their best but there is so much out there to look forward to. I found Bluebells on Onny Meadows, they are just starting their […]