I love watching the birds at this time of year, I like watching the birds anytime of year but they are more visible with the leaves having fallen. This morning the Fieldfares came to feed in our Holly tree, they were flying back and forth between there and the pine tree. They are always interesting to watch.
I was watching a Blue Tit this morning going along a branch of the greengage tree finding bits to eat. When I went out with Hettie (border terrier) we disturbed a small flock of Long-tailed Tits and their hangers on.
The flocks of Redwings and Fieldfares have been around for a while, they do seem to be a lot bigger than the last few years. I do love seeing them flying round particularly in the early evening when they are off to roost.
I have seen a Jay eating the apples from next doors fruit trees. There are lots of Blackbirds around throwing leaves around and the Wrens are busy in the undergrowth.
There are plenty more birds to see but these are some of my favourites at this time of year.
Folly View has a bird book and binoculars for our visitors use.
The photograph in the header of this blog post is from Wikipedia and was taken by Peter Trimming and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
The photograph of the Fieldfare above is by Teresa Reynolds and is taken from Wikimedia Commons.